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1. Environment installation

Objective: to manually install Sentinel LDK Run-time, the environment for license keys operation.

Download the environment: . When you unzip the archive, in terminal and as a user root, execute the following commands:

cd /"path to the install package"/  


2. Demo license installation

Objective: to manually install a demo license.

To test the functionality of VIT product, there can occur a need to manually install a demo license for it. In this case, VIT will provide you with a corresponding demo key installer.

After the license key environment is installed (see 1. Environment installation), in terminal as a root user, execute the following commands:

cd /"path to the install package"/


If 0 is returned, the installation was successful.

The demo license (“Unlocked license” in terms of Gemalto) is a SL (software) AdminMode key, which is automatically activated when the protected product is launched. This key differs from the full-featured license in the way that it does not get locked to computer hardware and can be installed on any number of servers. When the demo period expires, the demo period can be requested for prolongation or activation. The demo license can not be deleted (see 5. License deletion).

You may find the description of license keys used by VIT in Working with VIT licenses. Detailed Guide.

3. New license installation

Objective: to manually install the new full-featured (not demo) software or hardware key.


  • you do not have any license keys, whether software or hardware ones (including the demo keys), on your local machine;

  • you already have Sentinel LDK Run-time installed on your local machine (see 1. Environment installation, in case you need to install it manually).

Hardware license (HL) key

Connect the USB dongle (hardware key) to the machine where the protected product is/is to be installed. If the Sentinel LDK Run-time environment was previously successfully installed, the key will be automatically recognized and the protected product will be ready for usage.

If you open the Sentinel Admin Control Center web-application (, in case the license key was recognized, you will see information about it on the Sentinel Keys tab.

Software license (SL) key

To install a new software key for the VIT product:

  1. Make a fingerprint of your local machine hardware by executing the following commands (as root user):

cd /"path to the install package"/


This action will cause the creation of the unique fingerprint of your machine hardware. As the output, you will get a file with c2v (customer-to-vendor) extension. The file will be written by the path /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/fingerprint.c2v.

  1. Send the generated c2v-file to your manager. In return, the manager will send you the corresponding v2c-file (vendor-to-customer).

The received file will contain the licensing information which can be used only on your machine.

  1. Activate the new license by executing the following commands (as root user):

    1. for 64-bit system: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_x86_64_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/license.v2c

    2. for 32-bit system: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/license.v2c

  2. Restart the system.

To call the help for hasprus_EOAWT, which installs a new license: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT --help .

Also, see the parameters listing here: 7. Help for hasprus_EOAWT.

4. License activation & update

Objective: to activate the demo license, thus upgrade it to the full-featured license, or to update the full-featured license.

License activation is a set of actions which turn your demo license into a full-featured license. The activation allows you to fully utilize the product features you have purchased.

License update is a set of actions which modify the structure of your full-featured license. For example, you can add a new (or exclude the unused) functionality unit or product, as well as extend the license usage period.

To activate/update your software or hardware license key:

  1. Make a fingerprint of your current license key by executing the following commands (as root user):

cd /"path to the install package"/


As the output, you will get a file with c2v (customer-to-vendor) extension. The file will be written by the path /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/haspinfo.c2v.

2. Send the generated c2v-file to your manager. In return, the manager will send you the corresponding v2c-file (vendor-to-customer).

The received file will contain the updated licensing information for your key.

3. Activate/update your license key by executing the following commands (as root user):

    1. for 64-bit system: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_x86_64_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/license.v2c

    2. for 32-bit system: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/license.v2c

  1. Restart the system.

To call the help for hasprus_EOAWT, which installs a new license: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT --help .

Also, see the parameters listing here: 7. Help for hasprus_EOAWT.