4. License activation & update
Objective: to activate the demo license, thus upgrade it to the full-featured license, or to update the full-featured license.
License activation is a set of actions which turn your demo license into a full-featured license. The activation allows you to fully utilize the product features you have purchased.
License update is a set of actions which modify the structure of your full-featured license. For example, you can add a new (or exclude the unused) functionality unit or product, as well as extend the license usage period.
To activate/update your software or hardware license key:
Make a fingerprint of your current license key by executing the following commands (as root user):
cd /"path to the install package"/
sh get_haspinfo.sh
As the output, you will get a file with c2v (customer-to-vendor) extension. The file will be written by the path /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/haspinfo.c2v.
2. Send the generated c2v-file to your manager. In return, the manager will send you the corresponding v2c-file (vendor-to-customer).
The received file will contain the updated licensing information for your key.
3. Activate/update your license key by executing the following commands (as root user):
for 64-bit system: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_x86_64_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/license.v2c
for 32-bit system: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/license.v2c
Restart the system.
To call the help for hasprus_EOAWT, which installs a new license: /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT --help .
Also, see the parameters listing here: 7. Help for hasprus_EOAWT.Section contents
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The Sentinel LDK Run-time environment (the driver for EOAWT license keys) for Linux: http://downloads.vit.ua/linux/Sentinel/install_hasp.zip