Types of license keys provided by VIT

Protection of VIT products is carried out using Sentinel LDK solution by Gemalto. From the table below, you will get acquainted with the difference between keys that we offer:

Sentinel HL (hardware-based licensing)Sentinel SL (software-based licensing)
Main peculiarity

Provided as a USB dongle. Protected software is functioning only when appropriate Sentinel HL is connected to end-user's computer.

Provided as a software service that bonds to a specific computer. Protected software will function only if demo license or a full-featured software license are installed.

Key distributionPhysical.Electronic.
Portability (Lock Type)VIT software will be locked to your Sentinel HL key, which makes it easy to transfer between servers.VIT software and the appropriate Sentinel SL key will be locked to a specific computer.
Key types used by VIT

Sentinel HL (HASP configuration) keys:

  • Sentinel HL Pro;

  • Sentinel HL Max;

  • Sentinel HL Max Micro;

  • Sentinel HL Time.

Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment is required for these keys to function.

When protected software is to run on a virtual machine, VIT provides a Sentinel HL key for its activation.
  • Sentinel SL Unlocked keys — provided for VIT products' trial period.

  • Sentinel SL AdminMode keys — support concurrency and license detaching, require Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment to be installed.

No concurrency means that a stand-alone license is used. It allows the usage of only one protected application installed on the computer where that license key locates.

License detaching is a temporary license removal (from a network pool on a host machine) for attachment to a remote recipient machine.

Regardless of the protection method adopted (SL or HL), protected applications only function when they can access the required information contained in specific Sentinel protection keys.

Important 1

Whether a license key is able to work on virtual machines or with active RDP sessions is determined by VIT manager when preparing a license for you. Right now the following concept is followed:

  • demo keys (Sentinel SL Unlocked) can not be used on virtual machines or along with active RDP sessions;
  • full-featured software keys can be used with active RDP sessions, but not on virtual machines;
  • full-featured hardware keys can be used both on virtual machines and with active RDP sessions.

Important 2

License keys that we provide do not complement each other’s Feature sets. This means that one protected product will select only one suitable key to be enabled by. So, if you also have another key with Features intended for that product, licensing opportunities of that second key won’t be used.

 As a rule of thumb:

  • “1 product = 1 license key” — will work 

  • “Product A, product B, product C = license key for A, license key for B, license key for C” — will work

  • “1 product = many license keys” — proper work of protected software is not expected.


Let's assume you have installed VIT license plate recognition software. You have a license key for it, with specific Features that enable the main LPR functionality and allow the recognition of Colombian, Brazilian and Argentinian license plates (LPs) at 25 fps. From the previous installation, there's also another license key left, intended for the same software, but allowing the recognition of Bolivian and Peruvian LPs.

So, you have installed both of the keys on your server and you are now expecting your LPR software to recognize the license plates from all of the five countries. But, in practice, your application can't access Features in more than one key simultaneously.

Your application will select the key which provides maximum product of countries and video processing speed (in fps). The first license key provides 3 countries and 25 fps processing, while the second one provides 2 countries and 6 fps processing. Consequently, the LPR application will select the first license key to be enabled by.

If you need to recognize LPs from all of the five countries, you should contact your manager and request the license key update.