AutoCode Intellect releases

AutoCode Intellect releases

Product nameDescriptionVersionRelease dateSize (bytes)LinksDocumentsNotes
AutocodeITVLPR module for AxxonSoft Intellect server

26.07.2023~ 970Mb



Release notes

Configuration guide

Uses VIT LPR SDK ver. 2.14.0
Viewer monitorClient side software. Displays license plate recognition results.

26.07.2023~ 230 Mb


User guide
LibraWeighting module client side software2.2.3.10509.11.201869 114 880Download

Libra DriverpackWeighting module server side software. Communicates with vehicle scales and imports weighing results into Intellect Enterprise1.4.2.6028.09.20153 776 412DownloadDevices
KrechetOlvia device driver pack1.0.28.779.11.201540 916 975DownloadConfiguration guide
SQLquerySQL query gateway module (incl. external database module). Integrates Intellect Enterprise's message core with optional database management system. 424 389DownloadConfiguration guide

License Viewer

Show license status1.226.06.2017949 920Download


Scripts for search of recognized license plates in external databases: ExtDB2.js and ExtDB3.js.

Scripts description and usage instruction can be found in the following article: [LPR + VitSQLquery] Matching recognized license numbers with data in external DB.

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