Full-featured license installation (Linux)

Full-featured license installation (Linux)


to manually install the new full-featured (not demo) software or hardware license key.

Hardware license (HL) key installation

Make sure that the Sentinel LDK Run-time environment is installed on the machine where the license key is to be installed*. The link to instruction on environment installation is provided in See also block at right.

Connect the hardware key to the machine where protected product is/will be installed. If the Sentinel LDK Run-time environment was previously successfully installed, the key will be automatically detected and the protected product will be ready for use.

Also, in case your license key is detected, you will see information about it on the Sentinel Keys tab of Sentinel Admin Control Center web-application (link:

* aksusbd process is active

Software license (SL) key installation

Before you start the new license key installation process, make sure that the Sentinel LDK Run-time environment is installed (aksusbd process is active). The link to instruction on environment installation is provided in See also block at right.

To install a new software key:

  1. Make a fingerprint of your local machine hardware by executing the following commands (as a root user):

    cd /"path to the package"/
    sh get_fingerprint.sh

    This action will create a unique fingerprint of your machine hardware. As the output, you will get a file with c2v ("customer-to-vendor") extension. The file will be written to /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/fingerprint.c2v.

  2. Send the c2v-file you have just generated to your manager. In return, the manager will send you the corresponding v2c ("vendor-to-customer") file.

    The received v2c-file will contain the licensing information which can only be applied on the machine where the corresponding c2v-file was generated.

  3. Apply your new license by executing the following commands (as a root user):

    1. for 64-bit system:

      /usr/local/bin/hasprus_x86_64_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/*license_filename*.v2c
    2. for 32-bit system:

      /usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT u /usr/local/share/hasp-eoawt/*license_filename*.v2c
  4. Restart the system.

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