hasprus_EOAWT help (Linux)

hasprus_EOAWT help (Linux)

To view the options of the hasprus_EOAWT utility, use the command:

/usr/local/bin/hasprus_EOAWT --help

Options listing:

Usage:  	hasp_update <option> [filename]
Options:	u: updates a Sentinel protection key/attaches a detached license
        	i: retrieves Sentinel protection key information
        	d: detaches a license from a Sentinel SL/SL-AdminMode key
        	r: rehost a license from a Sentinel SL-AdminMode/SL-UserMode key
        	f: retrieves fingerprint information
Filename:   Path to the V2C/H2R file (in case of update/attach), OR
      	    Path to the C2V file; Optional: uses "stdout", if
        	file name is not specified (in case of 'i'nfo)

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