[ADVANCED] Online Activation (with a Product Key)

[ADVANCED] Online Activation (with a Product Key)

You have entered the CP from the computer where a protected application is/will be installed, so you decided to use the Online Activation.

Step 0. Prepare your computer


Make sure Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment is installed (hasplms.exe process is active). If not, install it manually.

2Download the latest version of Java from https://java.com/. Install Java.
3Enable Java in your browser. As an example, we provided an instruction on how to do that in Mozilla Firefox.

If you are using the Sentinel HL key, connect it to your computer.

Step 1. Log in to Customer Portal

1. Access the Sentinel EMS Customer Portal (CP) by entering your Product Key.  

Fill out a registration form, if required.

Step 2. Consider your Product Key parameters

When you enter the CP, the information on your license order will be displayed, including the following parameters of your Product Key:

  • total number of Activations allowed for your license;
  • number of activations which are still available for you (Remaining Activations) and already performed (Previous Activations);
  • the list of available Features grouped into Products;
  • License Terms specified for each Feature;
  • permitted Lock Type (HL and/or SL).

Click Help (or the  button) for detailed description of the CP fields.

If you have activations remaining, the Online Activation and Offline Activation buttons will be available.

Step 3. Go through the Online Activation process

Depending on what you required from your manager, the process can result in:

  • upgrading (activating) your protected application from demo to full-featured one (in case your current license key is the demo one);
  • changing the functionality of your protected application;
  • installing a new protection key on your computer.

To start the process, click the Online Activation button.

If some of prearrangements were not made, you will receive alerts from the update system:

  • if Java was not installed:

  • if CP web-application is not on the Exception Site List of Java Control Panel:

Handle those issues, if any. Also, if Java plug-ins need your confirmation to run, activate Java in the pop-up window that appears.

You may also pass through the following security warning:

After all the security matters are handled, confirm installation of Sentinel LDK Licensing API components, if required:

After that, update/installation of the license will proceed automatically. When it is successfully completed, you will receive the final notification:

Step 4. Verify the parameters of your newly updated license

After activation is successfully performed, the number of remaining activations will be decremented. If you no longer have available activations for this Product Key, the Online Activation and Offline Activation buttons will be hidden.

So, after you have applied your license, you can check the parameters of the new license key: Products, Features, Feature restrictions. This can be done in Admin Control Center web-application. 

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